Local Programs & Educational Resources

The Rutgers Environmental Steward program
Designed to introduce non-scientists to the science behind important environmental issues and the impacts of climate change affecting NJ. Stewards then give back to their own communities by helping to tackle local environmental problems. If you have a passion for the environment, a desire to learn and a willingness to volunteer, then this program is for you!

New Jersey’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, provides food assistance to families with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmers markets. Eligibility is set by several factors, such as income and resources

NJDEP Extreme Heat Resiliance Action Plan
This plan identifies the challenges associated with rising temperatures and the actions of state departments and agencies to address them.

CERT Training Program
Any Essex county resident over 18 can join an elite Community Emergncy Response Team (CERT) and train to protect and save families and communities. Contact: essexoem@essexsheriff.com

NJ Food System Dashboard
The New Jersey Food System Dashboard is a one-stop source for publicly available information on the different aspects of the state’s food system. The data and figures provide a snapshot of the current state of our food system.

Pollinator Conservation Resource Center
Here we offer region-specific collections of publications, native plant and seed suppliers, and other resources to aid in planning, establishing, restoring, and maintaining pollinator habitat—as well as materials to help you learn about the various invertebrates you might encounter.

Environmental Resource Inventory
Environmental Resource Inventory is a comprehensive analysis of Newark’s existing environmental health. While building a baseline understanding of the relationships between the environment, land,use, and public health.

SGI Sustainable Gardening Library
Discover how to grow flowers and food, create outdoor living spaces, and build community infrastructure in Earth-friendly ways. Without spending hours searching all over the web. Browse the Sustainable Gardening Library and learn from the experts at public gardens and arboreta, colleges and universities, and government agencies.
People & Trees Podcast
Check out the NJ Tree Foundation's new docuseries podcast People & Trees- an exploration and amplification of urban forestry told exclusively by the voices of people who live and work among the trees lining city streets. Designed to inspire and inform; the series will align with the social impact of green infrastructure along with the essential skills to cultivate a lifestyle of tree stewardship.

Newark 360 Master Plan
Newark360 is a community-based citywide Master Plan, developed in 2021-2022. The Plan will guide physical development of the city for the next decade and beyond. The Newark360 Master Plan was adopted by the Planning Board on September 26th, 2024.

Stop Illegal Dumping Hot line
Report information about illegal dumping to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection at Toll-Free 24 hour hotline:
View Interactive Map of Illegal Dumping Cases by clicking Read More below

Article: Glyphosate: Health Concerns and Safer Alternatives
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide. While effective against various plants, recent concerns have emerged regarding its potential health impacts. Lawsuits allege that exposure to the popular weed killer, found in Roundup and hundreds of other products in the U.S., has led to certain cancers including non-Hodgkin lymphoma.